by MHSjennie
August 7, 2011

Stop by and join in the fun with The Little Gym open house! Friday, Aug 12 5p-8p at the Mason TLG. 8201 Arbor Square Dr. 45040. 513-204-1400. Saturday, Aug 13 3p-5p at the Liberty TLG. 7318 Yankee Rd. 45044. 513-777-1110. *free play, games, music, prizes and giveaways, refreshments provided by Costco, boutique vendors such as […]
by Jennie
August 5, 2011

O.k. so I was ready to kill the hubs when I am giving Cody a bath and he points to his chest and says, “Mommy, these are my boobies”! I was completely thrown! WHAT?! Cody was actually pointing to his nipples so I said “No honey, those are your nipples”. That was that. When the […]