Matching Helps Kids Learn

by Jennie February 21, 2012

I am always looking for new ways to teach Cody while having fun at the same time. I don’t ever want to push him to learn new things unless he is ready and he is having fun at the same time. Lindsay at Crunchy Savings has such great ideas for teaching kids and she shared […]


Valentine’s Day Food Craft

by Jennie February 17, 2012

valentine goodies

  We went to a few V-Day Parties and so we made some treat bags with valentine cards, suckers, bow and arrow gummy heart and pretzel sticks (idea from Family Fun magazine), and stickers. You can see the EASY how to in the picture above. When we got home the hubs had sent a package […]

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Wordless Wednesday

by Jennie February 15, 2012

art project



Devote a Shelf to the Kids

by Jennie February 13, 2012

snack shelf

Although I haven’t done my resolution for organizing a room a month yet, I have organized little things here and there over the last month. One of them is Cody’s snack shelf. I blogged a while ago about how I started a snack bin for him which has been AMAZING!!  I wanted to devote an entire cabinet […]


Lego Themed Birthday Party with a TON of great links

by Jennie February 9, 2012

I wrote about Cody’s lego themed 3rd birthday at The Little Gym on Tuesday and promised links and info to everything today. Cody LOVES his legos and him and daddy build with them all the time. I got the idea to do a lego themed party when I saw the coolest lego cake on pinterest! I knew as soon as […]

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Wordless Wednesday

by MHSjennie February 8, 2012


Happy 3rd Birthday Cody!!

by Jennie February 7, 2012

happy birthday

After several years of hoping and praying for a baby, we got pregnant and 3 years ago today this beautiful little miracle was born into our family. Our lives completely changed that day and it has been a roller coaster ride ever since. Children really do walk right into your hearts from day one and […]


Unplug… Day Two

by Jennie February 3, 2012

my boys

I really want to focus this year on posting about my New Year’s Resolutions. Of course I will post other things as well, but I want to keep myself accountable and try to stick to what goals I made for the year. If I blog about it, then I am more apt to do it […]

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Increase Your Milk Supply with Green Smoothies

by Jennie February 1, 2012

Increase your Milk Supply with Green Smoothies

Now that Grayson is almost 6 months (can you believe that?!), my milk supply has started to drop. I had the same issues with Cody and found many ways to increase your milk supply! I take fenugreek and mother’s milk tea and they both really do help. You can even get lactation cookies to help […]


The Sneezy Wheezy Day Children’s Book

by Jennie January 31, 2012

Imagine my surprise and delight to see a Children’s book cross my path that is about a brother cub who isn’t feeling well and his sister cub tries to help heal him of his cold by rummaging through the forest in search of help from other friends who offer silly home remedies. In the end, […]

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Another Photography Giveaway!!

by Jennie January 30, 2012

AMW Photography

We have another great photography giveaway, sponsored by AMW Photography,  for those of you who are local to the Greater Cincinnati Area. Who doesn’t love family photos for FREE!!? Neither Kim or I have experienced her photography personally (although I have seen her photo editing skills!), but you can check out her pics on her […]


Taking a Little Vacation from Blogging.

by MHSjennie January 23, 2012

Hello to all our readers!! It has been close to 2 years since we started the blog!! We actually wrote our first post on April 7th 2010! We have certainly come a long way since then and have enjoyed all the things we have learned along the way. We started the blog to journal all […]