Keepin’ those “GIRLS” from heading SOUTH!

by Jennie May 25, 2012

mama mio boob tube

I have talked in the past about how much I LOVED using Mama Mio products when I was preggers with both boys. I would buy the product at Becoming Mom Spa so I just assumed that they only had pregnancy and post-pregnancy products. Well, that is just not the case!! Mama Mio is not just a brand that focuses […]


Baby to Big Boy: The Little Gym

by Jennie May 23, 2012

The Little Gym

I have been talking over the last few weeks about Cody’s transformation from baby to big boy. The last post was about potty training and our latest potty progress is that he can stand at the big potty to pee so bye- bye little potty!! He has also been practicing wiping himself since some mamas at TLG told me […]


Organize your Paper Chaos

by Jennie May 21, 2012

Orgainze your paper

I have been having MAJOR issues getting a handle on all my paperwork lately. There is just SO much and not enough time in the day to actually organize it!! Lisa, a fellow blogger and friend, is a professional organizer and has shared a chapter of her eBook with us so that we can all […]


Cuddle Covers ROCK

by Jennie May 17, 2012

I was so excited to write this review of Cuddle Covers because they are amazing! Cody had gotten one of the pillow pets (not sure if it was this brand name, but it was from walmart or somewhere like that) as a gift and loved it, but it completely fell apart in the washing machine […]


Boar’s Head Launches New Flavors

by Jennie May 15, 2012

I am a HUGE supporter of Boar’s Head. This is the only deli meat I will buy. YES, it is more costly than most, BUT for GOOD REASON! No artificial ingredients Minimally processed Raised without antibiotics or hormones No nitrates Gluten free No MSG No preservatives No fillers Boar’s Head meat, in my opinion, is […]

1 comment


by Jennie May 11, 2012

kohls wedges

We have been in our house a year now, which I cannot believe! Time has flown by!! I have never been happier in a home or area. I have lived lots of different places and I tell Steve everyday how much I love it here in Mason. What I love about cincy is that there […]


Brothers are the BEST!

by Jennie May 9, 2012

my boys

This was going to be a Wordless Wednesday post for me, BUT I had to profess my LOVE for my boys!! Although we have been super busy lately (these days who isn’t?!), I have really been making a point to spend REAL, UNINTERRUPTED quality time with my boys. I have not been on the phone […]

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Transforming from Baby to Big Boy: Potty Training

by Jennie May 7, 2012

travel potty

As I described in my last transforming from baby to big boy post, Cody was not always an easy baby! Those first two years, he was very needy. He clung to my leg and did not want me out of his sight! Things started to change when I found out I was pregnant. I think […]

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These are a few of my FAVORITE things…

by Jennie May 3, 2012

So NO! I am not going to break out the full song from Sound of Music (although it was one of my FAVORITE movies growing up)! What I am going to do is share some of my FAVORITE things! Being a mom is hard work and any goodies we can find along the way that […]


Transforming from baby to big boy: Crying, Crying and more Crying

by Jennie May 1, 2012

We tried so hard for Cody and once he was finally here, all we could imagine was holding our little precious bundle in our arms. Well, it didn’t go exactly as we had envisioned! You couldn’t just hold Cody in the beginning. You had to bounce him and bounce him and bounce him some more. […]


Transforming from Baby to Big Boy

by Jennie April 27, 2012

I wanted to take some time over the next few weeks to write some posts about my first born, aka big brother! The transformation that he (and all kids) make over the first three years of life is just phenomenal. I think that with the hustle and bustle of life and with the day in […]

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Wordless Wednesday: Dive in Movie at Lifetime Fitness

by Jennie April 25, 2012