Giveaway Round Up!

by Jennie July 2, 2012

We have a few great giveaways lined up that we don’t want you to miss out on! First up is a giveaway for two BIG TIME RUSH concert tickets (pavilion seats!) that we are giving away on our facebook page until 9pm tonight! Leave a comment on the facebook post for your chance to win! […]


How to Plan Your First White Water Rafting Family Trip

by Jennie June 22, 2012

kids raft trips

I was SO happy to receive this guest post, written by author Dale Cooper, because I think you have to be prepared and have a plan when rafting as a family. It can be dangerous, but if you feel comfortable taking your kids out on a raft for their first time, then I highly suggest reading through this […]


The Amazing Spiderman at the Library!

by MHSjennie June 21, 2012

The latest Amazing Spiderman movie is scheduled for release in 3-D on July 3. To coincide with this summer blockbuster, Spidey’s going to be at the Main Library (800 Vine Street) on Saturday, June 23 at 2:00 p.m. Come visit with him and see all the amazing ways he READS—on the ground, in the air, […]

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MUCH Needed Date Night

by Jennie June 20, 2012

dave matthews concert

The hubs took me to a Dave Matthews Band concert a few weeks ago for my birthday. I had been wanting to go to a concert for FOREVER so when he surprised me with tickets I was ECSTATIC!!! Our tickets were for River Bend and, in my opinion, there is nothing like lawn seats! So […]


Happy Father’s Day!!!

by Jennie June 18, 2012

warehouse b

We had our first day at home, all day,  in what seems like forever! It was wonderful! The hubs has undertaken a HUGE project in our back yard (which I will post about at some point!) so when he is not at work,  he is working on that! I have been crazy busy too and […]


Great finds for the busy MOM

by Jennie June 14, 2012

babba co

Since having kids, my life just seems to get busier and busier. I am always looking for new things that can help cut my time of doing tasks in half so that I can spend more fun time with my boys! I have 2 new things I have been trying out lately that I LOVE, […]


Organized Pantry…Check!

by Jennie June 12, 2012


I recently wrote about my HOT MESS areas that Lisa, from Organize 365, has been helping me with and inspiring me to do more! After she came over to help with my kitchen desk makeover, I didn’t want to stop! I went ahead and organized my pantry too! That is the main area in my […]


Fun Kid’s Summer Camps

by Jennie June 7, 2012

summer camp

Now that school is out and summer is officially here, kids have several opportunities to get involved in FUN summer camps. West Chester Academy of Music: With 16 unique 1 week camps, there is something for everyone, ages 3 through 18. Acting, dance, music, juggling and more! Daytime and evening options are available. Receive a […]

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Father’s Day Ideas & Deals

by Jennie June 4, 2012


Just a reminder that Father’s Day is coming up, Sunday, June 17th. Here are a few ideas and deals to honor that special guy in your life! Get Dad a customized banner on the cheap to tell him how much you love and appreciate him! Banners on the Cheap is offering FREE 2X5 banners (less s&h) […]


Organizing those Hot Spots

by Jennie May 31, 2012

kitchen desk

I consider myself to be a pretty organized person, but kids have definitely sucked my brains right out of my head so as time goes on I feel less and less “together”. My thoughts are haywire; I have to make lists of everything I need to do or I will forget; I can’t remember where […]


Cody’s Big Boy Bed!!!

by Jennie May 29, 2012

cody's loft bed

I have been talking a lot about all the transitions we have made with Cody over the last 3 years. Change is always hard because I am a creature of habit! With that being said, parenting is tough for me because you can never get too comfortable in one spot….things with kids are always changing […]


Happy Memorial Day!

by MHSjennie May 28, 2012

We hope you are enjoying a wonderful day with your families – as we are! We’d love to see pictures of how you spent your day, feel free to share them with us on our Facebook page. Don’t forget to take time to remember…