Must Read Books

by Jennie August 29, 2012

Here is a list of some of our personal favorites!! Child Nutrition Super Baby Food by Ruth Yaron The Healthiest Kid in the Neighborhood: Ten Ways to Get Your Family on the Right Nutritional Track (Sears Parenting Library) by Dr.Sears Parenting Helpers!! The Happiest Toddler on the Block: How to Eliminate Tantrums and Raise a […]


Bluegrass for Babies is BACK!

by Jennie August 28, 2012

We LOVE supporting Bluegrass for Babies and it is BACK!! Please see below for their press release, giving all the details for this must visit local event! 2012 Bluegrass for Babies Set for Sept. 22 with New Venue, New Fundraising Goals CINCINNATI, OH—Bluegrass for Babies, Inc., a local non-profit organization that strives to improve children’s […]


7 Tips for Moms Choosing Life Insurance

by Jennie August 24, 2012

I was happy to see this guest post topic because I think this is something that we don’t want to think about as parents, but that we HAVE to think about and put into action for the sake of our family! I like that this touches on the PT or non-working parent because we thought […]


Crafts, Meals, and Music!

by Jennie August 22, 2012

birthday card craft

Lots going on that I wanted to share!!! Crafts: My friend, Jenny, is such a crafty mama and I LOVE getting ideas from her because then I don’t have to try to think of them myself :) This one is super easy and SO cute for celebrating birthdays!!  Instructions per mama Jenny: Take a piece of construction paper […]

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Saying Goodbye to Nap Time!

by MHSjennie August 21, 2012

Saying goodby to nap time has been interesting for us – it seemed like we were practically done with afternoon naps about 6 months ago and then he hit a growth spurt or something because the poor kid just couldn’t get through the day without passing out somewhere…literally. I really wanted to keep his bedtime […]


Updating the Kids Bathroom

by Jennie August 20, 2012

Uppercase Living Personalized

I have been chipping away at turning my “new” house into US(!) and boy oh boy does it take time!! I think we all want our houses done NOW, but patience is a virtue (at least that is what I tell myself)!! I wanted to share with you over the next few weeks some of the […]


Mommy has to cut the cord

by Jennie August 16, 2012

summer camp at the little gym

I have been writing about ways that I have been easing Cody into preschool (which starts Sept. 4th!) and the last step was summer camp at The Little Gym. I had one scheduled in July, but backed out because I was nervous to drop him off for 3 hours. I am in love with TLG! They […]


Mama Mio Mighty Moisture

by Jennie August 14, 2012

I started loving Mama Mio when I was preggers with Cody. I used a ton of their products on my growing belly and I always say Mama Mio is why I don’t have any stretch marks :) I also used some of their products after having Grayson to help tighten and tone my skin. I […]


Organizing those CORDS

by Jennie August 10, 2012

Organize those cords

I have been thinking for a while that I need to organize all the cords in my house. I have piles and piles of them and when I need to charge my video cam, I have to sort through them all and try to remember which cord goes to that camera. It is a nightmare!! […]


Happy 1st Birthday Grayson!!!!

by Jennie August 8, 2012


Most days it is hard for me to believe that I have two kids. I look around and think… when did this happen?! Now I am in REAL shock because my little baby boy is now ONE!!!! I just cannot believe a year has come and gone! When I first found out I was preggers […]


Back to School Events: Keeping it Healthy!

by Jennie August 6, 2012

Back to school is quickly approaching and with that comes chaos, less time and lots of running! We all have stressors with back to school and many of those stresses come with trying to keep our families healthy while ON THE GO 24-7!! We have a few events for those of you needing a little […]


So much more than a sticker!

by Jennie August 2, 2012

Uppercase Living Personalized

I have been making little changes here in the new house to make it fit our personality (or at least mine…the hubs doesn’t really care which works for me!) and one thing I am LOVING at the moment is Uppercase Living!! My friend, Anne Marie, has been helping me personalize my house in a really […]