How to consume 17 fruits and veggies DAILY!

by Jennie December 21, 2012

I had heard about Juice Plus for years now and finally took the plunge when my friend, Jenny, became a rep.  Myself, the hubs and Cody have been taking it for a little over a month now. I have always been intrigued by Juice Plus as they are not considered a vitamin, but a WHOLE […]


The best coupons to use this Holiday

by MHSjennie December 20, 2012

This guest post goes PERFECTLY with what I have been blogging about over the last few weeks! I love that this post contains some great tips on how to save some money on your last-minute holiday shopping! Christmas is supposed to be a time when you are carefree and happy and thinking about the important […]


The Worst (and Best!) Holiday Foods

by Jenny Combs December 19, 2012

It’s the holiday season, so let’s Eat, Drink, and be Merry! canadian pharmacy viagra Good food, drinks, and great company are certainly to be enjoyed this time of year. However, did you realize that the average cheap online viagra person consumes about 600 extra calories per day during the holiday season. This can lead to […]


Christmas family fun for FREE

by Jennie December 17, 2012

We have been whittling away at our Christmas Bucket List and we marked two of those things off our list this weekend. With Christmas comes family traditions, Santa, talk of baby Jesus, family fun and SPENDING MONEY! I am sure we are all feeling the effects that Christmas gifts, pictures with Santa and other holiday […]


Photo Book Gift from Shutterfly

by Jennie December 13, 2012

Another great buy from Shutterfly! I love making photo books of the boys and they make great Christmas gifts! I made one for my little sis with pics of her graduation. I thought it was pretty easy to use and you can make a one of a kind book with tons of different lay outs, […]


Have Your Holiday Cake & Eat It Too!

by Jenny Combs December 12, 2012

The holidays are a wonderful time to celebrate and reflect on all we are thankful for with the 3 F’s: Family, Friends, and FOOD! propecia online pharmacy Unfortunately, all that celebrating can be tough on the waistline and make for a scary showdown with the scale come January 1st. However, for me, baking during the […]


Christmas Cards from Shutterfly

by Jennie December 11, 2012

I loved the idea that Kim had one year sending out “story cards”. They are Christmas cards that tell a story of your year. Last year I adopted the idea and people seemed to really enjoy them. I know it can get a little cheesy when all your friends and family are reading about your […]


What helps the FLU?!

by Jennie December 8, 2012

sick at the same time

Well, there isn’t a whole lot you can do with the flu, but ride it out! As you can see, my post is coming a day late….why you ask??! Well, I have been cleaning up all bodily fluids since Sunday and today is the first day I have even been able to open my computer! […]


Deck the Halls with Fruits and Veggies!

by Guest Posts December 5, 2012

We are excited to have our first guest post from our new blog contributor, Jenny, mom of twin girls! You can read all about Jenny in her intro post! Enjoy and welcome Jenny to Motherhood Support!! Tis’ the Holiday Season, which for most families equates to a season of not so nutritious eating, hectic schedules, […]


Meet Jenny, Our NEW Blog Contributor!

by Guest Posts December 5, 2012

jenny juice plus

Hello! My name is Jenny and I am so happy to meet all of you! And, I’m even more thrilled to participate as a guest blogger for Motherhood Support – Jennie and Kim are two amazing mommas, so I am certain that all of you, their readers, are just as fantastic! I was fortunate enough […]

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What’s in a name?

by Jennie December 4, 2012

A few of you may…or may not have noticed a slight change in the site appearance. Mainly, the header at the top of our blog is a little different! We are now officially “Motherhood Support”, changed from Surviving Motherhood. Jennie and I are thrilled to have a more cohesive name across the board of everything […]


How to make your own Christmas Wreath and other Holiday Happenings

by Jennie December 3, 2012

sharon woods holiday in lights

I LOVE this time of year and I have REALLY been feeling the Christmas spirit! I blogged last week about how to get FREE pictures with Santa and have some holiday fun on the cheap. This past weekend we had some more Christmas fun! We went to the Sharon Woods Holiday in Lights which was […]