Chore Charts are LIFE Changers

by Jennie January 8, 2013

Cody is capable of doing many of the little things on his own, including chores. I have friends who rave about Chore Charts and how they have made such a big difference in their day-to-day life with the kids. I didn’t really get it until the last 6 months or so. We are always on […]


Baby Signs: Signing Saturday "Book"

by Jenny Combs January 5, 2013

The Baby Signs Program is designed to help give parents and babies an easy way to communicate before a child actually develops the ability to use words by teaching parents and babies to use signs. There are many benefits to signing with babies: reduced frustration/tears, strengthens the parent/child bond, improves babies self-esteem and self confidence, […]

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New Year, New You!

by Jennie January 4, 2013

I blogged about  my New Year’s Resolution which is  SAVING MONEY on food and I am ON A MISSION!! My hope is to share with you what I learn along the way and hopefully you will share your tips and savings with  me :) With this economy and the world we live in today every […]

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You are gonna love this app!

by Jenny Combs January 2, 2013

As a Juice Plus rep, I spend a lot of time talking to mom’s about their families nutrition habits. I meet a ton of mom’s who are concerned with what they put on their kiddos plates. It’s refreshing to learn that cialis 5mg so many moms are becoming educated and proactive regarding nutrition. They are […]


Happy New Year’s Eve

by Jennie December 31, 2012

Happy New Year’s Eve everyone! 2012 has been one heck of a ride! The thing I have enjoyed most this year is watching my boys grow together. It has been an amazing thing seeing the friendship and love that has developed between them (and the fighting too of course)! I am looking forward to ringing […]


Signing Saturday: Sign for “Snow”!

by Guest Posts December 29, 2012

Welcome to Signing Saturday. I am a local Baby Signs Instructor (Baby Signs by Jenny) and will be sharing a “Sign of the Week” with you each Saturday. The Baby Signs Program is designed to help give parents and babies an easy way to communicate before a child actually develops the ability to use words […]


New Year’s Eve KID FRIENDLY Event and TIME

by Jennie December 27, 2012

I remember when New Year’s Eve was about staying up all night and ringing in the New Year with a bang.As a parent, you may be able to get a sitter, but it really isn’t as much fun staying up into the wee hours of the morning when you have to get up to energetic […]


Having Fun with SNOW

by Jennie December 27, 2012

We had a wonderful Christmas!! We had tons of fun getting in the holiday spirit and Cody’s school Christmas Party was on thursday. That was just about the CUTEST thing I have ever seen. They had an amazing chapel, the kids sang us Christmas songs, we had a FEAST with everyone’s favorite holiday dishes and […]


How to get your child's Juice Plus+ for FREE! (17 fruits and veggies!)

by Jenny Combs December 26, 2012

As a follow up to Jennie’s post last Friday about her family getting started with Juice Plus, today I’d like to explain how your kiddos can get their Juice Plus+ for FREE! Yes, I said FREE! The program is called the Juice Plus+ Children’s Health Study and it’s super easy to get started. But […]

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Merry Christmas!

by MHSjennie December 24, 2012

Merry Christmas everyone! We will not be posting today or tomorrow as we enjoy the Christmas holiday with our families.

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5 Easy Ways to Earn Extra Income

by Jennie December 22, 2012

Love this guest post just in time for my New Years Resolution: Saving Money!! There are some great and EASY tips in here!! Earning extra income is generally not easy. If there were simple or obvious ways of boosting income, everyone would be using them. However, if you are re-evaluating your personal finance strategy and […]


Things to Consider When Renting a Moving Truck

by Jennie December 21, 2012

With the holidays upon us, there may be some of you traveling to see family and/or friends and with that comes….car rental of some type. I also know of a few friends who are moving and you almost always need a large rental van! Even my sister-in-law works for U-Haul and I’ve heard her talk […]