How Juice Plus is supporting my BODY

by Jennie January 24, 2013

I have been taking Juice Plus for a few months now and although I haven’t felt anything physically yet, I wanted to share some of the amazing health benefits I have learned along the way. I get periodic emails from Juice Plus with links to studies done, what is happening to my body on the […]


The Dirty Dozen – What to Buy Organic

by Jenny Combs January 23, 2013

Dirty Dozen and Clean 15

Guest post from Jenny with Juice Plus: If you’ve been following any of my Wednesday posts, you know that I place a lot of importance on including a wide variety of fruits and veggies in my families diet.    And as I shared last week,  I am super excited to grow our own organic fruits and […]


What is a Lip Tie? How to Diagnose and Treat.

by Jennie January 22, 2013

Lip Tie

I am SOOOOO sorry it has taken me this long to update you on Grayson’s lip tie. WEEKS upon WEEKS ago, I wrote about coming home from New York after Grayson’s lip tie procedure. Let me rewind and talk about how we got there. I was reading a newsletter from a lactation consultant and for whatever […]


Baby Signs Signing Saturday: Sign for "Pink"

by Jenny Combs January 19, 2013

The Baby Signs Program  is designed to buy generic cialis help give parents and babies an easy way to communicate before a child actually develops the ability to use words by teaching parents and babies to use signs.   There are many benefits to signing with babies:  reduced frustration/tears, strengthens the parent/child bond, improves babies self-esteem […]


Dealing with the Big Black Box

by Jennie January 18, 2013

So my husband “surprised me” (um yes, he got it for himself, but acted like it was for me!) with a brand new t.v. for Christmas. He was ecstatic since we have had the same t.v. for at least 6, maybe 8 years. It’s a smart t.v. (whatever that means), HD, 3D, and I am […]


The Little Gym Open House

by Jennie January 17, 2013

Join us at The Little Gym of Mason Open House Friday, Jan 18 6:00p-8:00p!! They will be closing the doors at Liberty in a few weeks and having all classes at the Mason location! It is fabulous and BIG! Let the kids play while you meet the amazing teachers of The Little Gym! Stop by 8201 Arbor […]

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An Easy, Convenient, and Affordable Way to Garden: Introducing the Tower Garden!

by Jenny Combs January 16, 2013

As I place a lot of importance of healthy eating with my family,  I just LOVE the idea of growing my own garden.  You can’t eat much more “local” than eating food that comes directly from your own backyard and you can’t get much more nutritious than fruits and veggies picked straight from the vine!  […]


Sometimes a mama needs to be SPOILED

by Jennie January 14, 2013

As a mom, we are always thinking of our kids, the hubs, our houses, our friends and our family FIRST. What about us?! I try to make an effort to put myself first, but IT’S HARD! We, Motherhood Support, had our first annual Cookie Exchange/ Christmas party this year. It was tons of FUN and […]


Baby Signs Signing Saturday: Sign for "Wash"!

by Jenny Combs January 12, 2013

The Baby Signs Program is designed to help give parents and babies an easy way to communicate before a child actually develops the ability to use words by teaching parents and babies to use signs. There are many benefits to signing with babies: reduced frustration/tears, strengthens the parent/child bond, improves babies self-esteem and self confidence, […]


Art ABC: Fine Arts, Alphabet, And Fun

by Guest Posts January 11, 2013

ArtABC is a brilliantly conceived FREE iOS application which reinforces alphabet, reading, and phonics related learning topics. Much like an interactive storybook, little learners page through each letter of alphabet, treated to images and narration of the letter and related words. ArtABC doesn’t just encourage tiny scholars in their mastery of the alphabet, however. With […]


Fun for the Kids while it is COLD outside!

by Jennie January 10, 2013

I am always looking for fun stuff for us to do and you have to change it up once the winter months hit!  We recently tried out Jump and Jacks. It was a last-minute decision as plans with a friend changed. We ended up meeting another friend there and had a great time! They have […]


Spoiled Rotten – Make your produce last!

by Jenny Combs January 9, 2013

Jennie’s on a mission to save money on her groceries this year. So today, I thought I’d share some information on how to best store fruits and vegetables to get the biggest bang for your buck! Throwing out spoiled produce is like throwing money right into the trash. In fact, Americans on average throw out […]