Your Best Bet for Breakfast!

by Jenny Combs February 13, 2013

  When it comes to breakfast, it dosen’t get much easier or more nutritious than a bowl of cereal.  My girls love the challenge of the using a spoon to transport all those little floating “O”s into their mouth.  I love the fact that it is quick and simple for me to prepare and also […]

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Prayer is a powerful thing

by Jennie February 11, 2013

I know not everyone who reads this believes in God or prayer for that matter. I am sure there are a lot of things you read on this blog you may not agree with, but the great thing about the computer is that you can turn it off… or close it down if you don’t […]


Baby Signs Signing Saturday: Sign for Snake

by Jenny Combs February 9, 2013

The Baby Signs Program is designed to help give parents and babies an easy way to communicate before a child actually develops the ability to use words by teaching parents and babies to use signs. There are many benefits to signing with babies: reduced frustration/tears, strengthens the parent/child bond, improves babies self-esteem and self confidence, […]


Happy 4th Birthday Cody!!!!

by Jennie February 7, 2013

I cannot believe my first-born is 4 today!!! I love my Cody bear for his sweet and sensitive soul. He has taught me a lot about myself in the matter of four years and has helped me to become a better person. He has such a big heart and has true empathy and consideration for […]


Healthier Options for Valentine’s Day Treats!

by Jenny Combs February 6, 2013

Hard to believe that Valentine’s Day is only a little over a week away.  I’m as excited as you are to get my candy and chocolate fix on!   Red roses and yummy treats go hand in hand when we think of celebrating Valentine’s Day. As dedicated, loving, caring mommies and wives, we definitely deserve […]


Origami Owl is simply BEAUTIFUL

by Jennie February 5, 2013

I had been looking for a mom necklace for quite some time. I LOVED the ones from pottery barn, but there was NO way I was spending a couple hundred dollars on one. I wanted something trendy and cute, but meaningful. I adore my charm bracelet and it has been fun getting meaningful, special charms […]


Kroger Replaces Double Coupons with NEW Everyday Lower Prices!

by Jennie February 4, 2013

By now, most of you have heard that the Cincinnati area Kroger stores have replaced their double coupons with new everyday lower prices. I met with Kroger’s marketing department for the Cincy region last Thursday, along with other local bloggers and heard first hand about their new changes. I’m not a huge coupon-er so I’m […]


Baby Signs Signing Saturday: Sign for Rain!

by Jenny Combs February 2, 2013

The Baby Signs Program  is designed to help give parents and babies an easy way to communicate before a child actually develops the ability to use words by teaching parents and babies to use signs.   There are many benefits to signing with babies:  reduced frustration/tears, strengthens the parent/child bond, improves babies self-esteem and self confidence, […]


Saving Money with Rewards

by Jennie February 1, 2013

One of my goals this year is to save money where I can. I haven’t been so good about this in the past. Don’t get me wrong, I am tight with money on some things, but I am not good with price matching, couponing etc. so I have lots of areas to improve upon. We […]


And the Juice Plus+ Survey Says . . .

by Jenny Combs January 30, 2013

Last week, Jennie talked about the wonderful changes Juice Plus is making INSIDE her body and all the research that has been conducted on Juice Plus which clinically prove how it can, will, and does improve our health!     Aside from the piece of mind I get from knowing my family is getting nutrition from 17 […]


Karate Show Day and the start of a New Chapter

by Jennie January 28, 2013

We have been taking classes at The Little Gym for some time now. We started with mommy and me classes and then Cody graduated to the big boy class (which was one step closer to getting him comfortable with preschool). He took gym classes for a while, then transferred to their Sports Skills classes and […]


Baby Signs Signing Saturday: Sign for Cold

by Jenny Combs January 26, 2013

The Baby Signs Program  is designed to help give parents and babies an easy way to communicate before a child actually develops the ability to use words by teaching parents and babies to use signs.   There are many benefits to signing with babies:  reduced frustration/tears, strengthens the parent/child bond, improves babies self-esteem and self confidence, […]