Greek Yogurt vs Regular Yogurt???

by Jenny Combs March 6, 2013

Move over regular yogurt, Greek yogurt is moving in! All the major brands in dairy products are jumping on the bandwagon sildenafil no prescription and adding “Greek yogurt” to their product line. buy propecia without a prescription  And, shoppers are following suit as it certainly seems to fly off the shelf at my local Kroger. […]

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Care for Your Eyes Now to Preserve Your Sight for Later

by Guest Posts March 5, 2013

I have been really interested in eye health since having to take Cody to the eye doctor. They thought he might have astigmatism, which thankfully was not the case. Just a week after taking him to the doc, I was approached about a guest post pertaining to AMD and I HAD to have it on […]


Baby Signs Signing Saturday: Sign for "Rainbow"!

by Jenny Combs March 2, 2013

The Baby Signs Program  is designed to help give parents and babies an easy way to communicate before a child actually develops the ability to use words by teaching parents and babies to use signs.   There are many benefits to signing with babies:  reduced frustration/tears, strengthens the parent/child bond, improves babies self-esteem and self confidence, […]


Sponsored Video: A monkey gang is on the loose!

by Jennie February 28, 2013

I have been trying to update my house to my taste since we moved in. Of course, most of that is just hanging pictures I already have, painting the walls and things of that nature which is reasonably cheap. We did have to sink some money into our backyard, but we knew that when we […]

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The Little Nibble Tray!

by Jenny Combs February 27, 2013

  You know how it goes, you get on Pinterest to look for a recipe for dinner or a craft to do with the kids and what do you know, hours later, you are still pinning away! (BTW – can you believe that the word “pinning” is now part of our vocabulary?)  So one night […]


Spending time in the Community

by Jennie February 25, 2013

I have ALWAYS been a social girl. I love meeting new people, trying new things and just feeling like I am apart of something. One of the reasons we chose to move to Mason is because of the community. There is so much to do and things you can be involved in and you just […]


Baby Signs Signing Saturday: Sign for "I Love You"!

by Jenny Combs February 23, 2013

The Baby Signs Program  is buy cialis 20mg designed to help give parents and babies an easy way to communicate before a child actually develops the ability to use words by teaching parents and babies to use signs.   There are many benefits to signing with babies:  reduced frustration/tears, strengthens the parent/child bond, improves babies self-esteem […]


A Jake Inspired Pirate Birthday Party!!!

by Jennie February 21, 2013

Cody has been into Jake and the Neverland Pirates for a while now and I knew that we were going to do a pirate party for him this year. Whenever I am planning a party, I turn to Etsy and Pinterest. Both sites spark ideas and get me in party planning mode. There is a […]


Dr. Bill Sears LOVES Juice Plus+! And Here is Why . . .

by Jenny Combs February 20, 2013

When I was first introduced to Juice Plus+, the product sounded great and did, right of the bat, make a lot of sense to me.  With a background in nutrition, I understood the science behind the product and loved that it was a “whole food product” which makes it completely different from a “multi-vitamin”. (which […]

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The Importance of Kids Eye Exams

by Jennie February 19, 2013

Our eyes are SUPER important and just like the rest of our body, we need to take care of them! I got Cody’s eyes checked for FREE before he turned a year with the InfantSEE eye program. He had a clean bill of eye health at that point. At 3, our pediatrician did an eye […]


FREE Health & Nutrition Presentation!

by MHSjennie February 18, 2013

Please join Jenny Combs for a free Health/Nutrition presentation Thursday the 21st at 7:30pm in Loveland at RSVP Wards Corner!  Dr Jan Roberto will be speaking on “Choose Vitality – from the Inside Out!”  She’ll share how to look great and feel great while having the energy to be active and stay healthy!   Jenny’s guests are […]


Valentine’s Day Gift Printables

by Jennie February 15, 2013

Although it was hard for me to let my Code man go the first day of school he has been loving it from day one. It was really hard for me to know that he was having fun with someone other than me and that I was going to miss out on that ( I […]