Eat Your Way to Health??!! Can We Cure Ourselves?

by Jennie April 8, 2013

We started up with Netflix again and with that came documentaries. A friend of mine was talking about a few she watched and I was intrigued. For many, many years now, I have been on a path to more “clean” eating. I am by no means 100% on anything I do, but I give it […]


Resurrection Cookies For Easter

by Jennie April 4, 2013

resurrection cookies

This is our first year of Preschool so it was our first true spring break. I have to say that I LOVED having the time off from having to run Cody to school and it was nice to not HAVE to be anywhere. Here is some of our Spring Break highlights: Helicopter Egg Drop: this […]


Take Advantage of Priority Enrollment at TLG!

by Jennie April 2, 2013

THe Little Gym

We have been going to The Little Gym for years now and I absolutely LOVE it! I say it all the time… they have done SO much for Cody and are WAY more than a “kids class”. I am now doing mommy and me classes with Grayson and he is already picking up things from […]


We Are Taking A Blogging Break!

by MHSjennie March 25, 2013



Cincinnati Children’s Green Twp Branch Opening Soon!

by Jennie March 21, 2013

We are SO lucky to have such amazing hospitals here in the Greater Cincinnati area and Children’s Hospital is one of the BEST!!! I LOVE that we have a Children’s 5 minutes from my house so no matter what the time of day is I can get there quick! It is one less thing I […]


Chocolate Milk: To Drink or Not to Drink?

by Jenny Combs March 20, 2013

So, we all know how important it is for our little ones to drink milk.  In the past year, Emma has been more often than not telling me she “doesn’t like milk” and won’t drink it.  This has been stressing me out!  I know how important calcium is for her growing bones  and milk is […]

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I LOVE me some Cumberland!

by Jennie March 19, 2013

I have been going to Cumberland since I was 16 with my hubby, who at the time was my high school boy toy :) We have come a long way since then and have many, many years of Cumberland memories! I love boating, the water and just relaxing by the fire. Everything there is S-L-O-W […]

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Verdict is IN…. Tower Garden it is!!!

by Jennie March 15, 2013

I blogged at the beginning of the week about choosing between starting a soil garden or a hydro/aeroponic system called the Tower Garden. I did a lot of research this week and I came to the decision that the Tower Garden is right for us! There are certainly pros and cons to both, but it […]


A Touching Testimonial on Juice Plus+! Two Moms’ Personal Experiences

by Jenny Combs March 13, 2013

  Over the past few months, I’ve been sharing information with all of you about Juice Plus+.  I just realized that I’d never really explained why I am such a fan. Sorry about that!    So, today,  I’d like to share some info on my family’s Juice Plus+ experience, but first I’d like to share […]


Wine, Books, Hockey, and Gardening OH MY!

by Jennie March 11, 2013

I dabbled in a little bit of everything this weekend. Variety is the spice of life right?! Friday night was date night. We had to cancel our last date night because Grayson was sick, but everything worked out in our favor for Friday. A friend of mine and I decided to swap babysitting every other […]

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FREE Urban Gardening Workshop

by Jennie March 7, 2013

I am starting my garden this year at the new house and I will have many more posts to come on how it all goes, but one of the first things I wanted to do was to see the Tower Garden in person. I know I will have some raised beds, but I am interested […]


Don’t Let Those Moments Pass You By

by Jennie March 7, 2013

Last year, I tried to implement an “unplugged day” where I didn’t answer the phone or look at the computer…just completely unplugged from all the technology. It didn’t last very long )one whole day without checking email or talking to a friend is REALLY hard!), BUT I have really tried to cut back on how […]