Use Fast Park on your next TRIP and GIVEAWAY!

by Jennie May 10, 2013

I cannot tell you how excited I am to be leaving for Florida today!! We are headed out for a nice long vacation and some good ole family time :) I am NOT very good with the car. My friends know that if I have to drive somewhere more than 10 minutes away I am […]


Mother’s Day Special- Give the Gift of MASSAGE!

by Jennie May 8, 2013

Take time this Mother’s Day to say thank you to the mom in your life. Most moms are very selfless and always put others before themselves. This year show her that she is just as important by getting her a massage gift certificate. Purchase a gift certificate for a 60 minute massage, or longer and […]


Keurig Platinum Brewing System- Perfect for Mother’s Day!!!

by Jennie May 6, 2013

I have been hearing about how much everyone LOVES the Keurig for what seems like YEARS and have finally gotten one of my own (it is kind of like the iPhone- one day I will crack under the pressure and just get one to try for myself)!! I knew that the Keurig would be a […]


Teacher Appreciation Day Gifts – Tuesday, May 7th!

by MHSjennie May 3, 2013

With Teacher Appreciation Day coming up next Tuesday, May 7th I have been looking for something for Luke to give to his teachers next week. He actually only has two teachers but there are two others who help get him in and out of the car every day and they all take such great care […]


New Additions to the Newport Aquarium

by Jennie May 2, 2013

Kim and I took the kids to the Newport Aquarium last week and had a fabulous time! I remember when we use to go with just two kids (Luke and Cody) so it was a lot of fun being able to take our newest additions along for the ride! Grayson was an absolute trip. He […]

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Trying to Save Money….baby steps

by Jennie April 30, 2013

So I posted that  my New Year’s Resolution was going to be to try to save money on FOOD! I am NOT a couponer, but would love to try it out, although I haven’t made it that far. I haven’t been doing very great at saving money on food, but I have been dabbling in […]


Finding Foods I WILL Eat Without MEAT!

by Jennie April 25, 2013

I blogged a few weeks ago about wanting to try to eat less meat and more plant-based food. I HIGHLY recommend that you watch some of these documentaries.. they will blow your mind and your thought process about what you put in your mouth! With that being said, I am not ready to call myself […]


Backyard Renovations (almost) Complete

by Jennie April 22, 2013

I feel terrible since it has been months and months that I promised pics of my almost completed yard! The day has finally come lol :) There were many things on our “wish list” when looking for a new house and we got almost everything on the list when we got our house, minus a […]


The Real Reason People Celebrate their Friends Being Pregnant!

by Jennie April 18, 2013

The hubs and I were watching Kourtney and Kim Take Miami (yes babe, I just outed you!) and on the Finale, Kim announced her pregnancy. Scott, Kourtney’s semi-douchebag baby daddy, was congratulating her and then on his taped one on one he said (paraphrasing here), “I am so excited for Kim to have  a baby […]


Getting Organized with a Virtual Family Calendar

by Jennie April 16, 2013

I have been trying out different calendar methods and they all kept falling short. I am one of those that has to have a tangible calendar so that I can look at our month and as a whole, but I also like to have a virtual calendar as well for when we are on the […]


Thanks a latte Printable

by Jennie April 12, 2013

I am oh so not crafty, which is why I LOVE pinterest!! I always joke, although it is true, that I never come up with my own ideas. Why do I need to??! I can just steal someone elses :) We were able to get 10 months of free swim classes at Lifetime and I […]

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Shop for a Cause – Support Autism Awareness

by Guest Posts April 10, 2013

April is Autism Awareness Month, a global effort to raise awareness and attention on the issues affecting those with an Autism Spectrum Disorder. It is a time to show community support of families and individuals affected by Autism. It is also an opportunity to teach our children the importance of acceptance, understanding and love for […]