Pray~Hope~Believe 4th of July 5K

by Guest Posts June 13, 2013

The Pray~Hope~Believe Foundation (PHBF) was established to honor the memory of Tony Merk – a 6-year-old boy who died on July 4, 2011 after an almost three-year battle with brain cancer. The PHBF provides funding for pediatric brain tumor research, supports children/teens who have a life-threatening condition, and honors the memory of Tony Merk through […]


Ladies Night Out Shopping Extravaganza!!!

by Guest Posts June 12, 2013

Please join us for a fun filled night Friday June 21st (6-9pm) of shopping, eating, fellowship, shopping all to benefit a truly wonderful cause…helping homeless pets find wonderful new, loving homes!! How does shopping do that you may be asking… well, this event is all about fundraising for Three Sisters Pet Rescue/Ohio Hound Rescue & […]

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A Super FUN Date Night

by Jennie June 11, 2013

It seems like the hubby and I  are always having to get sitters for group stuff we have going on. Someone’s birthday, a party that a friend is having etc. so by the time we are ready for a date night ALONE, we have used our sitters up! We have been trying to get better […]

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My Tower Garden after only 3 weeks!

by Jennie June 6, 2013

I had previously posted about my decision to use the Tower Garden instead of a traditional soil garden. I did it for a variety of reasons, one of them being that I wanted to try something different (you know me)! I have been taking notes and want to keep you posted on how this differs […]


See Disney in a Day!

by Jennie June 4, 2013

We had SO much fun on our vacation to Florida a few weeks ago. It was nice to have my boys all to myself for 10 days! We went to St. Pete’s Beach and it was gorgeous! The condo we were staying at had its own private beach area which was so nice compared to […]


Summer Fun Round Up 2013

by Jennie May 31, 2013

I love the idea of making bucket lists for each season. Summer is here and I have been searching high and low for fun stuff for us to do this summer. I found a huge calendar on clearance at Target so I could fill it with summer fun stuff as I saw it and then […]


Mayapple Giveaway!

by Jennie May 25, 2013

Mayapple Baby LLC is sponsoring an awesome giveaway of their best products! Attention babies and baby mommas! ;) This sweepstakes is awesome. You have the opportunity to some of the best products Mayapple Baby LLC has to offer. You can learn more about Mayapple Baby here: “Like” the Mayapple Baby Facebook Page Follow @MayappleBaby […]

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Celebrating Memorial Day

by Jennie May 25, 2013

Here’s to those we have lost in the past. We celebrate this day with our families, but need to remember all those that have come before us. We are in Cumberland (my place of bliss, rest and relaxation!) celebrating Memorial Day and our new boat! I want to dedicate this day to friends and family […]


How Important Our Sleep Is with a GIVEAWAY

by Jennie May 23, 2013

Kim and I always talk about how important we think sleep is. I can see a MAJOR change in my kids and myself when we don’t get enough sleep!! It is SO hard as a mom to get proper sleep because we are up late getting our chores finished, up through the night with the […]



by Jennie May 21, 2013

OMG!!!!! We are SOOOOOOOOOOO excited to announce this and HOPE you will join us!!   Outrageous costumes, beer chugging and foot racing will reign supreme as the Tap ‘N’ Run 4K returns to Cincinnati on Saturday, June 1st, at 2 p.m. (is there really anything better than this?!!!) Tap ‘N’ Run 4K combines participants’ love […]


Announcing the Winners!!

by MHSjennie May 20, 2013

See below for the winners of the BIG giveaway! Congrats everyone! (All the winners have been notified by email) a Rafflecopter giveaway


Blogging Break and our BIG GIVEAWAY!

by MHSjennie May 13, 2013

We are on “vacation” and taking a little blogging break this week! We’ll be back next week Monday, May 20th and in the meantime we’re leaving you with a BIG giveaway to celebrate our brand NEW facebook page! We did change our name from Surviving Motherhood to Motherhood Support and as a result we had […]