Traveling with Kids This Summer? Fast Park offers tips and tricks!

by Jennie July 26, 2013

Summer vacations are on many family agendas but let’s face it— traveling with children can be a challenge. For decades, Fast Park, the leading offsite airport parking company, has provided a relaxing start to any trip. Starting Saturday, June 15, Fast Park will provide a “FunTime FastPak” to young travelers ages two to eight. Each […]


Learning How to Garden

by Jennie July 25, 2013

This gardening season is a complete trial and error. I chose to go with an non-traditional method of gardening, called the Tower Garden. I have been SO happy with my Tower and thought I may add some raised beds for next season, however, I realized that my Tower is producing just what we need and […]


Fun, New Ways to Earn Money Online And How Playing Bingo Can Help You

by MHSjennie July 24, 2013

Can you believe that some people make money online by selling their kitschy shell art? Nowadays you can sell almost anything on the internet and if you’re also a budding artist, you can sell your arts and crafts on sites like Etsy. These are the most common ways to earn money but if you’re looking […]


McAlister’s Deli FREE TEA DAY on July 25th

by Jennie July 23, 2013

I LOVE me some McAlister’s Deli and my prego friend in particular (who has been totally addicted since she became pregnant!) and I try to go as much as possible! They have a lot of healthier options and a great kids meal menu for cheap!  We both always get the BIG ICE TEA which is […]


What Really Makes MAMA Happy??!

by Jennie July 12, 2013

I am always writing about taking time for yourself, having date nights and GNO, and just doing stuff for YOU! I have been thinking about this a lot lately because we the hubs and I had a date night/overnight which completely rekindled the old fire :) and then we had a week in Cumberland with […]


$50 Target Gift Card Giveaway!

by Jennie July 8, 2013

Have you ever noticed a new product on the shelf while at the store, or noticed a change to a product that you use all the time? When manufacturers introduce new or improved products and services, marketing research is conducted to gather consumers’ opinions. By becoming a member of Community Panel, you will be compensated […]


Fun for the 4th & Staying True to YOU!

by Jennie July 8, 2013

Not sure if you noticed, but I was off from writing last week… we were on vacation for the 4th. I have talked about our place in Lake Cumberland in the past and we spend a lot of weekends there and holidays if possible. Steve and I have known each other since I was 15 […]


Goodbye Google Reader, HELLO Blog Lovin’!

by Jennie July 5, 2013

Follow my blog with Bloglovin With the end of google reader, are you left wondering how you will organize reading all your usual favorite blogs and websites? Check out Blog Lovin’ and follow us there! You can easily organize all your favorites and yes, of course it’s free! To easily import all your google reader […]


Getting Organized on ALL your Mobile Devices

by Jennie June 28, 2013

Being Type A, OCD and a pretty organized person I make LOTS and LOTS and LOTS of lists! I make lists of my lists and have been noticing more and more that I have a little on my computer, a little on my Ipad and a little on my phone and I just needed a […]


Making our way through our Summer Bucket List

by Jennie June 24, 2013

I posted some of the things we have on our Summer Bucket list for 2013 and we have been slowly but surely making our way through the list! If you have been following us on Instagram or FB you can see what we have been up to and if I take the time to post […]


Adding to my Tower Garden

by Jennie June 20, 2013

If you have been following the blog at all you know that I took on a fun project for the spring…. my TOWER GARDEN! I wanted to start a garden for some time and after a lot of thought, I decided to garden in a less traditional method (you know I always have to try […]

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Saving Money at the Pump helps with Summer Fun Travels

by Jennie June 18, 2013

I wrote a few weeks ago about my Summer Bucket List and all the fun things you can get into on break! With all the fun comes a lot of driving and with a lot of driving, comes extra money being spent at the pump! Being a SAHM, I have to be careful with how […]