Getting Glamorous

by Guest Posts January 24, 2014

When my friend Pam called giddy about seeing a local blow dry bar, my first question was what the heck is a blowout??!! So, of course, my first thought was I HAVE to try it… any excuse for a GNO right?! I decided to have her share her experience of the blow dry bar first […]


Finding Your Family’s Missing Money

by Guest Posts January 23, 2014

Welcome Marie, another fellow blogger friend, as she does some guest posting on Motherhood Support! She is witty and hilarious! You will love her! I made one resolution for 2014: to get a handle on my family’s finances. Compared to my typical vows to lose weight and hit the gym more, I thought this would […]


Building Confidence at The Little Gym Mason

by MHSjennie January 22, 2014

I have been a huge supporter of The Little Gym Mason since Cody started taking classes there when he was 2! Cody was a VERY shy toddler and just wasn’t comfortable in new situations. One of the HUGE factors that played into building his confidence was The Little Gym. If you have a more introverted […]


Shaving Cream Bath Paint

by MHSjennie January 20, 2014

You can buy the bath crayons and bath tub finger paints, but I have seen the shaving cream bath tub paint all over pinterest and HAD to try it out myself! I used the same white barbasol shaving cream that I had leftover from making our own Snow Paint.  This is seriously one of the […]


Snow Paint

by MHSjennie January 18, 2014

So you can buy your kit for snow paint, but WHY?!! This is super easy to make and the kids love it because it dries to look just like snow!!!  


Sex Education Workshop for Parents: How to talk to your kids from a young age

by MHSjennie January 17, 2014

I am SO excited to announce this upcoming series of classes!! I wrote about my struggles trying to  figure out how to explain body parts to Cody. I love that a professional is taking the bull by the horns and offering sex education classes tailored specifically for parents!!! You can see below for all the […]


Snow Ice Cream

by MHSjennie January 16, 2014

There are a lot of Shaved Ice and Ice Cream machines, but they take up space and cost money! Why not make your OWN??!! All you have to do is wait until it SNOWS! This is SOOOOOO yummy and super easy with just 3 simple ingredients!!!! It does melt quick, but the kids have a […]


Cozy Wall Art Custom Decals

by MHSjennie January 13, 2014

I have done several posts on wall decals I have used in my house…. I guess you could say I am a little addicted!! I just love that you can really personalize a space with a decal. I adore cute little sayings and being able to display it in a fun way, using your own […]

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Is Your Family Aware of Asbestos Dangers?

by MHSjennie January 9, 2014

This post really hit home with me because we use to have a VERY old house before we moved (built in the 1800’s) and had a scare with asbestos when Cody was just a baby! It is great to have a resource to go to if you are ever in a situation like that! Even […]

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New & Exciting Changes for Motherhood Support!

by Guest Posts January 8, 2014

Some exciting changes are in store for Motherhood Support! After 4 years of writing this blog, it has continually evolved and Jennie and I have seen MANY changes! We started documenting this crazy roller-coaster of Motherhood when our first born baby boys turned 1 and we just celebrated Luke turning 5 years old! The old […]


DIY Whole Body Sugar Scrub

by MHSjennie January 6, 2014

My skin seems to get insanely dry in the winter and although my Whipped Body Butter is SUPER moisturizing, I need a little something extra :) I decided to make my own body scrub since it helps with two areas: exfoliates dead skin and adds extra moisture to the skin!! It is super easy and […]


Shop Tmart for inexpensive gifts

by Jennie January 1, 2014

There were 2 things Cody wanted for Christmas: a big digger he could use outside and a glow pet. I liked the idea of the glow pet, but took it up a notch with this adorable Musical Turtle Nightlight from It was inexpensive and had a few more bells and whistles than the glow […]