The legacy of the beloved “Mister Rogers” lives on with the hit television series, Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood, from The Fred Rogers Company and airing daily on PBS KIDS. Now, Daniel and all of his friends are hopping aboard Trolley to delight live audiences with Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood Live!, coming to the Aronoff Center’s Procter & Gamble Hall on Saturday, February 18 for two shows only at 3:00 PM and 6:30 PM.
Donning his iconic red sweater, Daniel invites the audience on an interactive musical adventure as he and his friends explore the vibrant world of their much-loved Neighborhood of Make-Believe, sharing stories of friendship, helping others, and celebrating new experiences. This live theatrical production filled with singing, dancing, laughter, and “grr-ific” surprises will warm the hearts of multiple generations.
Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood tells its engaging stories about the life of a preschooler using musical strategies grounded in Fred Rogers’ landmark social-emotional curriculum. Through imagination, creativity and music, Daniel and his friends learn the key social skills necessary for school and for life.
I feel like ALL kids LOVE Daniel Tiger so I am excited to take mine, especially my littlest guy! If you want to take your kiddos, check out my discount link for $5 off! You can also call (513) 621-ARTS [2787] and the Aronoff Center Ticket Office by mentioning promo code: NEIGHBORHOOD for $5 off! If you are feeling lucky, enter my giveaway at your chance to win 4 tickets to the show! Good Luck!
{ 6 comments… read them below or add one }
My son LOVES Daniel Tiger, it’s his favorite show, and he has never been to anything like this and I think he will love it!
Would love to win! My 5 year old and 1 year old love Daniel Tiger!
We love Daniel Tiger!
My kiddos are obsessed with Daniel Tiger. They love all the singing and the characters especially baby Margaret!
We love Daniel Tiger!!!
Alex would love this!!