I get SO many questions from readers about baby sleep! Of course this is such a hot topic… without having good sleep routines in place with our kiddos, us mamas bear the brunt of walking around like zombies!! I am a firm believer in teaching your kids to sleep, but I also think there are many different ways to achieve that goal. I was contacted by Kate who is a Sleep Coach and what I love about her program is that it is gentle and personalized!!! I get emails all the time about baby sleep, so I will be sending those onto Kate, our sleep specialist, and if you have any others please comment below of shoot me an email and she will be answering them on the blog! Nothing is off limits and no question is a bad question!

So meet Kate, our sleep specialist, and ask away! You can find more about Katie on her website, Baby Mine.
Like so many first time moms, I did a lot of preparation and reading before my daughter was born. I thought I had everything figured out, from breastfeeding to sleeping. I knew things could get difficult, but I felt I could handle it and with enough love and support, we would get through it. Of course things did not go as planned, starting with a surprise c section when my daughter was discovered to be breech at 39 weeks. I was overwhelmed. The sleep deprivation did me in, and after several months of trying to “suffer through” I discovered I didn’t have to anymore when I found a Gentle Sleep Coach.Now as a certified Gentle Sleep Coach, I want to help other families get the sleep they need and deserve to be happy and healthy.The Gentle Sleep Coaching Program is currently the most extensive & professional sleep certification program available. The program involves over 80 hours of training, an exam and participation in case supervision with Kim West, LCSW-C who has been helping tired parents for over 17 years. Clinical supervision and ongoing advanced training are required to maintain certification as a Gentle Sleep Coach.
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Baby sleeping patterns are quite hard to predict for me. It can be very stressful when parents sleeping time and baby's sleeping time dont match but it definitely are one of the moments that strengthens the relationship of parents and child and how they overcome those challenges. These moments deserve some reward! :) but it's great to know that there are things we can do to ease these challenges. :) If you want to look into baby hampers, some rewards and baby info and gifting, I hope you check out our site too
Good article.