You take 2 gummy hearts. Put one upside down on a pretzel stick and the other heart you cut (see pic) and put it on the other end of the pretzel stick. I used a skewer stick to make holes before hand so the hearts slid on easier.You get cute little arrow heart treats!
We went to a few V-Day Parties and so we made some treat bags with valentine cards, suckers, bow and arrow gummy heart and pretzel sticks (idea from Family Fun magazine), and stickers. You can see the EASY how to in the picture above.
When we got home the hubs had sent a package to the house for me with tons of little goodies in there, along with 2 dozen roses. It was really sweet, considering I have been getting on his case lately about not forgetting about me with all the craziness of having 2 kids!!!
I then headed over to lifetime fitness for a massage (when you join they give you a discount on a 50 min. massage for $20)!! All I can say is BLISS! After my relaxing massage I picked up some thai food for us and we put the kids to bed and had dinner just the two of us.
All in all, it was a great day! I know how some people don’t really believe in these “hallmark holidays”, but it is kind of nice to have days that remind us to celebrate and appreciate the ones we love :)
How was your day?? Do you have any special traditions for Valentines Day?
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