How to Choose the Right Pediatrician For Your Baby

by Jennie on May 19, 2011

We have a guest post from Ramussen College- School of Health Sciences. They have offered up some great information on choosing the right pediatrician for your baby. I know this was really hard for me and we did the pre-interview thing, asked friends and got referrals. There have been a few bumps in the road, but we have been pleased with our overall decision. If you are looking for a pediatrician for your newborn or just looking to switch, you may find some helpful information and tips below!

When you become a parent and you’re surrounded by doctors and nurses in the hospital, it’s easy to lose sightof the fact that once you bring your new bundle of joy home, it’s up to you to get him or her the care they needwhen they get a cold, develop a high fever, have diarrhea or just don’t seem to feel up to par. Choosing the rightpediatrician for your baby can be a tough decision because you want someone you can trust and rely on to helpyour baby feel better as quickly as possible. With all of the pediatricians out there to choose from, it’s good to doyour homework before you commit to anyone.
Some parents seek out their pediatrician before the baby is born. This allows for ample time for them to find thepediatrician they’re looking for on their own schedule and not one that includes a newborn. You can ask family,friends, coworkers and even neighbors for suggestions – much like you would when in search of a mechanic or hairstylist – and you can of course look online to read the reviews about a particular pediatrician or healthcare facility.
At some point, it’s best to meet the pediatrician in person so you can get a feel of what their personality is likeand if they seem to be a good fit for your little one. Some of the questions you can ask during the initial meetingcan range from if they’re board certified to what kinds of insurance they accept, what hospitals they’re affiliatedwith (if any), if they offer same-day sick appointments, etc. Also important are office hours and if they’re open onweekends and after hours.
No matter the pediatrician you choose, just remember that the health of your baby is first and foremost. If thebetter pediatrician or the one you feel the most comfortable around is 10 minutes farther down the road than thenext-best option, it may be worth a little inconvenience to receive the best care possible.

About the author: This article was written by Rasmussen College – School of Health Sciences. The RasmussenCollege School of Health Sciences offers many different degree options, so you can find the healthcare degree thatfits your needs. A Bachelor’s or Associate’s degree will help you begin a stable, exciting career that will make anenormous difference in the health of others.

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Pediatrician Poughke May 25, 2011 at 9:09 am

Helpful post. Consulting with friends and family seem like a great way to locate the right pediatrician for your child. Thank you for sharing this helpful information.


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